Marinas Advisory Committee

The Warrenton Marinas Advisory Committee was established in 2021. The primary function of the Marinas Advisory Committee shall be to review and recommend improvements to the performance and development of the Warrenton and Hammond Marinas as well as advise on general matters as staff requests to improve services and operations. The Committee shall work closely with the Warrenton Marinas Department, and will make recommendations regarding completion of or updates to a comprehensive marinas master plan to encompass both Warrenton and Hammond Marinas.

The committee is made up of five (5) members who shall serve a two (2) year term. The Committee shall contain at least one professional mariner, one member at large, and one commercial fishing user. The committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 2:00pm at City Hall.

Marinas Advisory Committee Roster - 2 year term
  Name Term End  Chair/Vice Chair 
Position 1 Lylla Gaebel 12/31/2025  
Position 2 William  Kerr 12/31/2025 (Vice Chair) 
Position 3 Jennifer Fowler 12/31/2025 (Chair)
Position 4 Larry Ausman 12/31/2026  
Position 5 Mike Balensifer 12/31/2026  
Secretary Shara  Ford   Marina Office Assistant