Urban Renewal: Revitalizing Downtown Warrenton
The Warrenton Urban Renewal Agency (URA) was established in February 2007 to revitalize downtown Warrenton. URA created an urban renewal district that encompasses 875 acres that covers downtown and extends along S Main Ave to just south of Warrenton High School. URA outlined the types of land use, projects, and financing in an Urban Renewal Plan & Report that is required by ORS 457. Approximately $1.7 M was dedicated to urban renewal eligible projects in the Plan, which is expected to retire in 2027. Since 2007 funds have been expended and obligated to various projects including improvements to the Warrenton Marina and landscaping improvements to S Main Avenue as well as facade improvement grants to property owners and businesses to renovate the exterior of buildings.
Starting in 2018, URA is considering a "substantial amendment" that would increase the maximum indebtedness of the urban renewal district from the original $1.7 M to potentially $4.8 M. URA hired Elaine Howard Consulting to conduct a study to understand the implications of the amendment and help the city prioritize projects over the next five years. The Warrenton Urban Renewal Advisory Committee (WURAC), which provides advice to the URA, meets quarterly on the first Wednesday. The WURAC recommended a proposed set of priority projects on March 6, 2019. In addition, a public open house is scheduled for August 15 @ 5 pm in City Hall to present potential projects that would be financed with the amendment.
UPDATE: On November 12, 2019 the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 1230 which approved the new URA Plan & Report and additional funding for improving downtown.
If you have any questions about any URA projects, please contact planner@warrentonoregon.us - 503 861 0920.