For information on short term vacation rentals or homestay lodging click on the link below:
Generally we do not unlock car doors due to liability and a lack of locksmith expertise. Officers will respond to assist you in contacting a towing service that can help or offer any other assistance we can provide. Exceptions may be made in emergency situations or if a person or animal is locked inside.
Yes. Anyone conducting business in the City of Warrenton needs a business license. This includes home-based businesses.
Please call the Clatsop County Jail at 503-325-8641 or go to: https://apps.clatsopcounty.gov/jail/
Copies of police reports that are releasable to the public can be purchased at the Police Station. The Police Department Office City Hall is open Monday thru Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. The Police Clerk is at lunch between 11:00am and 12:00pm. You can call 503-861-2235, Option #3 to make a special arrangement to come into the station between 8:00am and 9:00am.
Please have the case number and name listed on the report. There will be a fee charged for all reports or any needed copies.
The Warrenton Police Department DOES NOT provide fingerprinting services. However the Seaside Police department and the Clatsop County Sheriff's Office do.
Oregon law is very specific about this type of request. Police Officers can perform a "civil stand-by" for up to 20-minutes. Please call the dispatch center at 503-325-8661.
Call the business line at 503-861-2235, Option #3 or email WPDrecords@warrentonoregon.us
For crimes in progress or emergencies call 9-1-1. For Non-Emergencies you can call the dispatch center at 503-325-8661 or 503-325-4411. For all other matters call our non-emergency business line at 503-861-2235.
You will need to obtain a signed release form from the department. To obtain a release form you SHOULD BE the "owner" or someone with an "interest" in the vehicle (some exceptions do apply), MUST HAVE a valid driver's license (or a valid driver), will need to provide the current vehicle registration or title, proof of current insurance coverage, and pay an administrative fee. You must arrive at the station prior to 3:30pm to allow staff time to process the release before the 4:00pm closing time. For more information call the department at 503-861-2235.
Contact the Warrenton Police Department (503-861-2235) and report the situation. Officers will work with you to solve the problem using a variety of methods. You can also email any problems to policechief@warrentonoregon.us
Contact the Warrenton Municipal Court clerk at 503-861-0792.
The law requires that all accidents $2500 or over in property damage or resulting in ANY injury or death, MUST be reported to the local police agency. Driver Report forms are available at any DMV office or any law enforcement agency and can be turned into your local DMV office or mailed to the DMV at: Accident Reporting Unit, 1905 Lana Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97314. The law changed too and reports CANNOT be turned into police departments anymore.
You can pay for a citation, fine, or judgment at the Warrenton City Hall Monday thru Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. City Hall accepts cash, check (if not on the no-checks list), and credit/debit card at the counter. You can also go to the City of Warrenton website and click on the Municipal Court and follow the instructions to pay online with a credit/debit card or electronic check. If you have questions contact the Warrenton City Hall at 503-861-2233.
We are located at 225 S. Main Ave. at the corner of SW 2nd Ave. and Main Ave. The Warrenton Police Department shares a building with City and the Warrenton Fire Department. Map
Call (503)861-2233 Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm to check availability.
Once you have confirmed that your date is available, simply fill out an application and remit the required deposit. Applications may be found at http://www.ci.warrenton.or.us/communitycenter/page/community-center-rental-application
You must come in person to City Hall at 225 S. Main Avenue, Warrenton, to fill out an application to start service. City policy and the FTC requires that a reasonable effort is made to ensure the identity of the individual opening the account. Anyone whose name is on the account should be present to sign the application and present photo ID. We will also go over our rates, the past due process, and other important information regarding your utility account at that time.
For your convenience, there are several payment methods available to our Utility customers:
Online - Electronic Check or Credit/Debit card payments can be made through the City's website by clicking the "Utility Bill Pay" link on the homepage.
Auto Pay - Automatic deduction from a checking or savings account on the due date (last business day of the month.) An application can be downloaded from the City's website or picked up at City Hall. Allow one to two billing cycles to take effect. Online Auto Pay is also available by setting up an online account and enrolling in that program. Only choose one auto pay option.
Mail - A check or money order can be mailed to: City of Warrenton, Utility Receivables, PO Box 250, Warrenton, OR 97146. Be sure to allow enough time for the payment to arrive by the due date.
Drop Box - A drop box is located by the front doors on 2nd Street. Payments must be made with check or money order only and must be placed in the boxes prior to 8:00 AM. Payments received after 8:00 AM will be processed on the next business day. If making your payment on a due date after 8:00 AM, please bring it into City Hall to avoid penalties.
In-person - Payments can be made in person at the Finance Department at City Hall, 225 S. Main Avenue, Warrenton. Cash, check, money order, debit and credit cards are accepted for utility accounts when making in-person payments.
Utility bills are sent at the beginning of each month, for your prior month's utility services. Bills are always due on the last business day of the month in which they are sent.
If your payment is not received before 5:00 pm on the last business day of the month, there is a $3 late fee assessed.
Past due billing statements will have a red stop sign telling you that your bill is past due and should be paid immediately to avoid further notices and penalties.
Reminder letters will be mailed out about one week after the past due bill is sent, showing the date that the past due amount must be paid to avoid the next penalty.
If the past due amount is not paid by the date on the reminder letter, a door hanger will be hung on the service address property and a $33 penalty will be assessed. The door hanger will show the date that the past due amount must be paid to avoid disconnection of services.
If the past due amount remains unpaid by the date on the door hanger, service will be disconnected and a $120 penalty will be assessed. Service will not be restored until the entire account balance, current, past due, and penalties, is paid in full.