Community Center Advisory Board

The Warrenton Community Center Advisory Board was created to oversee the operation of the community center. The board’s principle goal is to ensure the community center is self-supporting from fees generated by the users, so it will not become dependent on property taxes. The board members are responsible to establish rules and policies for center development and operations.

The principle qualification for persons interested in the center is their willingness to assist the City in providing a community center building for our citizens. The board consists of five members with each member appointed to a four year term. Meetings are held monthly, or every other month, on the third Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm. 

Community Center  Advisory Board Roster - 4 year term
  Name Term End  Chair/Vice Chair 
Position 1 Jack Bello 12/31/2028  
Position 2 Kenneth Stranding  12/31/2025 (Vice Chair)
Position 3 Carol Snell 12/31/2026  
Position 4 Debbie Little 12/31/2028 (Chair)
Position 5 Penny Morris 12/31/2027 (Secretary)
Staff Jessica  Barrett   Finance Director