Pavement Management Plan Report
The report examines the overall condition of the street network and highlights the impacts of various funding levels on the network pavement condition and deferred maintenance funding shortfalls. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, MTC, Streetsaver Pavement Management Program (PMP) was used for this evaluation. The intent of this program is to develop a maintenance strategy that will improve the overall condition of the street network to an optimal Pavement Condition Index (PCI) in the low to mid 80’s and also to maintain it at that level.
Capitol Asset & Pavement Services, Inc. was contracted by the City of Warrenton public works to perform visual inspections of all of the paved streets maintained by the City of Warrenton (City). All 26.04 centerline miles of paved streets maintained by the City were evaluated in accordance with MTC standards and the Streetsaver Online 9.0 database was updated with the inspection data. Inspections were completed in August, 2017.